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Geographical Maps of the World of 16-18 Centuries

Antique Maps And Heraldic Image

Geographical Atlas for German Schools, 1848 Edition (Schul-Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde. Adolf Stieler. Gotha, bei Justus Perthes, 1848)

The Public Schools Historical Atlas, 1905 Edition (Charles Colbeck, ed.; Longmans, Green, and Co. London, 1905)

Historical Atlas, 1911 Edition (W.R. Shepherd, gen. editor. Henry Holt & Co. 1911)

The Cambridge Modern History Atlas, 1912 Edition (Ed. A.W. Ward, G.W. Prothero, S. Leathes. Cambridge, 1912)

Atlas for the Great War (Thomas E. Griess, series editor. - Wayne, NJ : Avery Publishing Group, 1986)

A Military Atlas of the First World War, 2001 Edition (Arthur Banks, UK: Pen and Sword, 2001)

Geographical Maps of the World of 16-18 Centuries


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Map 1. A New Map of the Terraqueous Globe according to the Ancient Discoveries and most general Divisions of it into Continents and Oceans (Dedicated to his Highness William Duke of Gloucester)

Map 2. Typus Orbis Terrarum (Quid ei Potest Videri Magnum in Rebus Humanis, cui Aeternitas Omnis, Totiusque Mundi Nota sit Magnitudo Cicero)

Map 3. A New Map of the World (From the Latest Observations. Revived by I. Senex. Most Humbly Inscribed to his Royal Highness – George Prince of Wales)

Map 4. Nouvelle et Exacte Description de la Terre Universelle (Selon les Auteurs Modernes plus Aprouuez a la quelle a este ad Ioute Plusieurs Obseruations Pour L’intelligence d’icelle)

Map 5. Le Globe Terrestre Represente en deux Plans – Hemispheres, et en Deverses Autres Figures (A Monseigneur Mgr. Messire Luis Phelippeaux de Pontchartrin, A Paris 1742)

Map 6. Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula (Auctore N.I. Piscator, 1652)

Map 7. Orbis Terrarum Typus De Integro Multis in Locis Emendatus (Auctore Petro Plancio, 1594)

Map 8. Mappe-Monde ou le Carte Universel (Par N. de Fer, Geographe de Mons. le Dauphin, A Paris 1714)

Map 9. Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula (Auctore Ioanne Blaev)

Map 10. Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula (ex officina F. de Wit. Amsterodam)

Map 11. Nieuw Aerdsch Pleyn

Map 12. Mappe Monde Nouvelle. Dediee (A Monseigneur le Comte de Maurepass Ministre et Secretaire d'Etat, A Paris 1744)

Map 13. Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula (Auctore Henr. Hondio, 1630)

Map 14. Mappe Monde. Carte Universelle de la Terre. Dressee (Par J.B. Nolin Geographe, A Paris 1755)

Map 15. Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima Tabula (Auctore Ioanne a Loon)

Map 16. Novus Planiglobii Terrestris Per Utrumque Polum Conspectus (Amsterdam)

Map 17. Navigationes Pracipue Europaorum ad Exteras Nationes

Map 18. A new and Accurat Map of the World (Drawne according to the truest Descriptions, latest Discoveries and best Observations that have beene made by English or Strangers, 1626)

Map 19. Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique en Deux-Plans-Hemispheres, ou Sont Exactement Remarquees en General Toutes les Parties de la Terre et de l'Eau Suivant les Relations les plus Nouvelles (Par Gerard Yalck, Amsterdam)

Map 20. Map of South America (To the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Sunderland and Baron Spencer of Wormleighton, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. By Herman Moll)

Map 21. Totius Americae. Septentrionalis et Meridionalis. Novissima Representatio (Iohannes Baptista Homann)

Map 22. America Nova Descriptio (Per Nicolaum Io. Visscher, Anno 1652)

Map 23. America (with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings. Discribed and inlaged by I.S. Ano. 1626)

Map 24. America nova Tabula (Auct: Guiljelmo Blaeuw)

Map 25. Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica Tabula (a Pet. Kerio, Amsterdam)

Map 26. America

Map 27. Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio

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Antique Maps And Heraldic Image


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Heraldic Images and Engravings from Antique Maps [part 1] [part 2]

Map 1. Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio

Map 2. Il Mappamondo o sia Descrizione Generale del Globo (Venezia 1774, Presso Antonio Zatta)

Map 3. North and South America, Pacific Ocean

Map 4. Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia

Map 5. Mappe-Monde Geo-Hydrographique, ou Description Generale du Globe Terrestre et Aquatique, en Deux Plans-Hemispheres ou Sont Exactement Remarquees en General Toutes les Parties de la Terre et de l'Eau suivant les Relations les Plus Nouvelles (Par le S.Sanson, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy, A Paris 1719)

Map 6. Planisfero (Stabilimento Civelli e C. in Milano 1856)

Map 7. L'Afrique (Par le S.Sanson, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy, 1714)

Map 8. Mondo Conosciuto Dagli Antichi. At Tempi di Tolomeo (Per Ferdinando Arrigoni Capitano, Milano, Stabilimento di G. Civelly)

Map 9. L'Europe (Par le S.Sanson, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy)

Map 10. Impero Anglo-Indiano (Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 11. Asia (Milano, Stabilimento G. Civelly)

Map 12. Europa (Milano, Stabilimento Civelly, 1856)

Map 13. Oceania ossia Australia, Polinesia e Malesia (Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 14. Impero Russo in Europa, Asia ed America (Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 15. America Settentrionale (Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 16. America Meridionale (Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 17. Messico (Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 18. Stati Uniti dell America Settentrionale (Milano, Stabilimento di G. Civelly)

Map 19. Il Canada. Le Colonie Inglesi con la Luigiana e Florida di nuova Projezione (Venezia 1778. Presso Antonio Zatta)

Map 20. Regno di Francia diviso ne suoi Governi (Venezia 1776. Presso Antonio Zatta)

Map 21. Stati della Confederazione Germanica (Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 22. Li Regni di Spagna e Portogallo divisi Nelle sue Provincie (Venezia 1775. Presso Antonio Zatta)

Map 23. Li Regni D'Inghilterra e D'Irlanda di nuova Projezione (Venezia 1776. Presso Antonio Zatta)

Map 24. Italia (Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 25. Africa parte orientale ed Arabia (Per Ferdinando Arrigoni Capitano, Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 26. Imperi Chinese e Ciapponese (Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 27. Grecia Antica e Litorale del mar Egeo ai tempi della guerra del Peloponeso (Per Ferdinando Arrigoni Capitano, Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 28. Impero Romano. Ai tempi di Augusto (Milano, Stabilimento di G. Civelly)

Map 29. Impero D'Alessandro il Grande. Dal 405 al 520 a.c. (Per Ferdinando Arrigoni Capitano, Milano, Stabilimento Civelly)

Map 30. Palaestinae Sive Totius Terrae Promissionis (Petrus Kaerius Caela)

Map 31. La Carte Des Voiages De St. Paul (Par P. Du-Val, Geographe du Roy)

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Geographical Atlas for German Schools

Schul-Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde (Adolf Stieler. Gotha, bei Justus Perthes, 1848)


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Map 1. Das Planetesystem (1a)

Map 2. Die vorzuglichsten Sternbilder am nordl. und sudl. Himmel. - Figuren zur mathematischen Geographie (1b)

Map 3. Ostliche und westliche Halbkugel. - Theil von Australien (2a)

Map 4. Planiglob in Mercators Projection. Zugleich als Generalkarte von Australien. - Zeitunter - schiede von Paris (2b)

Map 5. Europa (3)

Map 6. Spanien und Portugal (4)

Map 7. Frankreich (5)

Map 8. Italien, auch Croatien und Dalmatien (6)

Map 9. Grossbritannien und Ireland (7)

Map 10. Schweden, Norwegen und Danemark (8)

Map 11. Danemark, mit Schleswig, Holstein und Lauenburg, Island und Far-Oer (9)

Map 12. Deutschland, Niederlande, Belgien und Schweiz (10)

Map 13. Nordwestliches Deutschland, Niederlande und Belgien (11)

Map 14. Preussische Rhein - Provinz. (12a)

Map 15. Nordostliches Deutschland (12b)

Map 16. Sudwestliches Deutschland mit d. Schweiz (13)

Map 17. Sudostliches Deutschland (14a)

Map 18. Die Schweiz, auch Furstenth. Liechtenstein (14b)

Map 19. Preussen, Polen, Galizien, Ungarn und Siebenburgen (15a)

Map 20. Das Europaische Russland mit Kasan, Astrachan und Georgien (15b)

Map 21. Die Europaische Turkei, Griechenland und Ionische Inseln (16)

Map 22. Asien (17a)

Map 23. Vorder-Asien und Nil-Land (17b)

Map 24. Ost-Indien mit den Inseln (17c)

Map 25. Africa (18)

Map 26. Nord-America und West-Indien (19a)

Map 27. Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America und Mexico (19b)

Map 28. West-Indien, Staaten von Centro-America, Honduras, Yucatan und Meerbusen von Mexico (19c)

Map 29. Sud-America (20)

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The Public Schools Historical Atlas

Charles Colbeck, ed.; Longmans, Green, and Co. London, 1905


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Preface, Contents


Map 1. The Roman Empire, Eastern and Western, in the 4th Century (Showing the Positions of the Northern Barbarians)

Map 2. Europe in the time of Odoacer, 476-493. South-Western Europe in 525

Map 3. Roman Britain circa 400 (Showing the Gaelic and Celtic Tribes, Roman Provinces and the chief Roman Towns & Roads). Kent at the coming of the Saxons, 449

Map 4. England after the English Conquest in 700

Map 5. England after the Peace of Wedmore in 878

Map 6. Europe at the death of Charles the Great, 814

Map 7. Europe in 912

Map 8. England in 1065

Map 9. Europe and the East, to illustrate the Crusades

Map 10. Europe in 1135

Map 11. England and France in the time of Henry 1st

Map 12. England and France, 1152-1327

Map 13. Europe in the 13th Century

Map 14. Europe in the 14th Century

Map 15. France after the Treaty of Bretigni

Map 16. France at the death of Edward III

Map 17. English campaigns in France in the reign of Edward III

Map 18. Extent of the English conquests in France, 1382-1453

Map 19. England during the Wars of the Roses

Map 20. Henry V.’s campaign in France, 1415

Map 21. France at the accession of Louis XI, 1461

Map 22. Europe in the 15th Century

Map 23. Universities of Europe in the 16th Century

Map 24. Italy in 1515

Map 25. The Seven Prince Electors

Map 26. Spain in 1516

Map 27. France under Charles VIII

Map 28. Dominions of Charles V, 1519

Map 29. Extent of the Revolt from Rome, 1524-1600

Map 30. The Revolt in Switzerland, 1524-1531

Map 31. French Provinces claimed by Henry VIII, 1512

Map 32. Serfdom and Rebellions against it before 1515

Map 33. The Peasant’s War, 1525

Map 34. The World in the 16th Century

Map 35. Commerce of Christendom in the 16th Century

Map 36. The Spanish Monarchy under Philip II

Map 37. Lisbon and Mouth of Tagus

Map 38. Western Europe in the time of Elizabeth

Map 39. Discoveries of England, Spain, and Portugal in the 16th Century

Map 40. The Netherlands in the time of Elizabeth

Map 41. Germany at the commencement of the Thirty Years’ War, 1618

Map 42. Germany after the Peace of Westphalia, 1648

Map 43. England and Wales. Assessments to Ship Money, 1636

Map 44. Battle of Edge Hill (Oct. 23, 1642)

Map 45. Battle of Marston Moor (Jul. 2, 1644)

Map 46. Battle of Naseby

Map 47. England and Wales (Jan. 1, 1643)

Map 48. England and Wales (Jan. 1, 1644)

Map 49. Argyle’s Campaign, 1685

Map 50. Battle of Sedgemoor (Jul. 6, 1685)

Map 51. South-West England, to illustrate the Campaigns of 1685-1688

Map 52. Campaign in the North-East of Ireland and Battle of the Boyne, 1690

Map 53. England and Wales (May 1, 1643)

Map 54. Germany, Holland, and the Spanish Netherlands in 1678

Map 55. Western Ireland, 1691

Map 56. Glencoe, 1691

Map 57. Battle of Steinkirk (Aug. 3, 1692)

Map 58. Battle of Neerwinden (Jul. 29, 1693)

Map 59. Flanders and Brabant, to illustrate the Campaigns of William III, 1690-1696

Map 60. Western Europe in 1700

Map 61. Battle of Blenheim (Aug. 13, 1704)

Map 62. Battle of Ramillies (May 23, 1706)

Map 63. Italy in 1700

Map 64. The Netherlands in 1700. Campaign of Malplaquet, 1709.

Map 65. Europe, illustrating the Wars of Charles XII and Peter the Great

Map 66. Western Europe after the Peace of Utrecht, 1713

Map 67. Europe in 1730

Map 68. Europe in 1740

Map 69. Battle of Rossbach (Nov. 5, 1757)

Map 70. Battle of Leuthen (Dec. 5, 1757)

Map 71. Battle of Minden (Aug. 1, 1759)

Map 72. Siege of Quebec (1759)

Map 73. Germany, illustrating the Silesian and Seven Years’ Wars

Map 74. India in the 18th Century

Map 75. India, showing the growth of the English Dominions (1760-1858, 4 small plates)

Map 76. The World in 1772

Map 77. The North American Colonies

Map 78. North America before the War of American Independence

Map 79. North America after the War of American Independence

Map 80. France in Provinces, showing the Customs Frontiers, 1789

Map 81. Revolutionary Paris

Map 82. The Rhine, 1792-1796

Map 83. Quiberon Bay, 1759

Map 84. Belgium in 1792

Map 85. North Italy and Switzerland (1796-1805), to illustrate the Campaigns of Napoleon

Map 86. Central Europe in 1789

Map 87. France in Departments, 1790

Map 88. Battle of Austerlitz (Dec. 2, 1805)

Map 89. Battle of Jena (Oct. 14, 1806)

Map 90. Environs of Jena

Map 91. Battles of Aspern-Essling (May 21, 1809)

Map 92. Battle of Wagram (Jul. 6, 1809)

Map 93. Central Europe, to illustrate the Campaigns of Napoleon

Map 94. Europe in 1810

Map 95-96. Leipzig (Oct. 16, 1813). Leipzig (Oct. 18, 1813)

Map 97. Russian Campaign, 1812

Map 98. Spain and Portugal, to illustrate the Peninsula War. Battle of Trafalgar (Oct. 21, 1805)

Map 99. Europe in 1815

Map 100. Waterloo Campaign

Map 101. Battle of Waterloo (Jun. 18, 1815)

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Historical Atlas

W.R. Shepherd, Gen. editor. Henry Holt & Co. 1911


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Index: p.1-26, p.27-55, p.56-84, p.85-94

Map 1. Physical Map of Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa (p.2-3)

Map 2. Mycenean Greece and the Orient about 1450 B.C. Inset: Reference Map of the Nile Delta (p.4)

Map 3. The Assyrian Empire and the Region about the Eastern Mediterranean, 750-625 B.C. (p.5)

Map 4. Reference Map of Ancient Palestine. Insets: Plan of Jerusalem. Dominions of David and Solomon (1025-953 B.C.). Palestine under the later Kings (953-722 B.C.). Palestine under Joshua and the Judges (1250 -1125 B.C.) (p.6-7)

Map 5. The Orient 600-500 B.C. The Oriental Empires about 600 B.C. The Persian Empire about 500 B.C. The Beginnings of Historic Greece, 700-600 B.C. (p.8)

Map 6. Vicinity of Troy. The Shores of the Propontis. Plan of Olympia (p.9)

Map 7. Reference Map of Ancient Greece. Northern Part (p.10-11)

Map 8. Greek and Phoenician Settlements in the Mediterranean Basin, about 550 B.C. (p.12)

Map 9. Greece at the Time of the War with Persia, 500-479 B.C. The Athenian Empire at its Height (about 450 B.C.) (p.13)

Map 10. Reference Map of Ancient Greece. Southern Part. Inset: Crete (p.14-15)

Map 11. Reference Map of Attica. Plan of Thermopylae, 480 B.C. Inset: Harbors of Athens (p.16)

Map 12. Greece at the Beginning of the Peloponnesian War (431 B.C.). Greece under Theban Headship (362 B.C.) (p.17)

Map 13. The Macedonian Empire, 336-323 B.C. Insets: The Aetolian and Achaian Leagues. Plan of Tyre. Kingdoms of the Diadochi. After the Battle of Ipsus (301 B.C.). At the Beginning of the Struggle with Rome (about 200 B.C.) (p.18-19)

Map 14. Reference Map of Asia Minor under the Greeks and Romans (p.20)

Map 15. Plan of Imperial Rome. Plan of Athens. Inset: Plan of the Acropolis of Athens. Plan of Republican Rome (p.22-23)

Map 16. Republican Forum. Imperial Forums (p.24)

Map 17. Reference Map of Ancient Italy. Northern Part (p.26-27)

Map 18. The Growth of Roman Power in Italy (p.29)

Map 19. Reference Map of Ancient Italy. Southern Part. Insets: Vicinity of Naples. Plan of Syracuse (p.30-31)

Map 20. Rome and Carthage at the Beginning of the Second Punic War, 218 B.C. (p.32)

Map 21. The Growth of Roman Power in Asia Minor. I, after the Treaty of Apamea, 188 B.C.; II, before the outbreak of the Mithradatic Wars, 90 B.C.; III, as organized by Pompey, 63 B.C. (p.33)

Map 22. Territorial Expansion of Rome. Insets: Plan of Carthage. Vicinity of Rome. Plan of Alexandria (p.34-35)

Map 23. Reference Map of the European Provinces of the Roman Empire. Insets: Gaul in the Time of Cesar. The Rhine Country in Roman Times. Country about the Lower Danube in Roman Times (p.38-39)

Map 24. The Roman Empire about 395 (p.42-43)

Map 25. Germanic Migrations and Conquests, 150-1066 (p.45)

Map 26. Development of Christianity to 1300 (p.46-47)

Map 27. The Roman and Hunnic Empires about 450 (p.48)

Map 28. Physical Map of the British Isles (p.49)

Map 29. The Germanic Kingdoms and the East Roman Empire in 486 (p.50-51b)

Map 30. Roman Britain about 410. Settlements of Angles, Saxons and Jutes in Britain about 600 (p.50-51)

Map 31. The Germanic Kingdoms and the East Roman Empire, 536-600. The Germanic Kingdoms and the East Roman Empire in 526. Europe and the East Roman Empire, 533 -600 (p.52)

Map 32. The Califate in 750. Growth of Frankish Power, 481-814 (p.53)

Map 33. The Carolingian and Byzantine Empires and the Califate about 814. Inset: Northern Austrasia about 814 (p.54-55)

Map 34. Disruption of the Carolingian Empire, 843-888 (p.56)

Map 35. The Peoples of Europe about 900 (p.57)

Map 36. Europe and the Byzantine Empire about 1000 (p.58-59)

Map 37. The British Isles in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. The British Isles about 802. England after 886. The Shires of England in the Tenth Century (p.60)

Map 38. France about 1035 (p.61)

Map 39. Central Europe, 919-1125 (p.62-63)

Map 40. Italy about 1050. Inset: The Patrimony of St. Peter. Dominions of Cnut, 1014-1035 (p.64)

Map 41. Dominions of William the Conqueror about 1087 (p.65)

Map 42. Europe and the Mediterranean Lands about 1097. Inset: Europe and the Mediterranean Lands by Religions about 1097 (p.66-67)

Map 43. Asia Minor and the States of the Crusaders in Syria, about 1140. Insets: Palestine. Plan of Jerusalem about 1187 (p.68)

Map 44. France, 1154-1184. Inset: Domain, Fiefs and Suzerains of the Count of Champagne in the Twelfth Century (p.69)

Map 45. Europe and the Mediterranean Lands about 1190. Inset: Guelf, Hohenstaufen and Ascanian Domains in Germany about 1176 (p.70-71)

Map 46. The Holy Roman Empire under the Hohenstaufen, 1138-1254 (p.72)

Map 47. The Mediterranean Lands after 1204 (p.73)

Map 48. The British Isles about 1300. Plan of London about 1300. Vicinity of London, 1200-1600 (p.74-75)

Map 49. France in 1328. Inset: The Chief Wool-raising Districts of England and Wool-manufacturing Towns of Flanders, Artois and Brabant (p.76)

Map 50. Europe in 1360 (p.77)

Map 51. Central Europe in 1378. Inset: Dominions of Ottocar of Bohemia (p.78-79)

Map 52. Spread of German Settlements to the Eastward, 800-1400. Inset: The March of Lusatia (p.80)

Map 53. The Great Schism, 1378-1417. France in 1453 (p.81)

Map 54. Spain, 910-1492. Spain in 910. Spain in 1037. Spain in 1150. Spain 1212-1492 (p.82-83)

Map 55. England and France, 1455-1494 (p.84)

Map 56. Decline of the March of Brandenburg under the Houses of Wittelsbach and Luxemburg, 1320-1415. The Wettin Lands, 1221-1485 (p.85)

Map 57. Central Europe about 1477 (p.86-87)

Map 58. Decline of German Power in the Baltic Region, 1380-1560 (p.88)

Map 59. The Byzantine Empire, 1265-1355. I. The Byzantine Empire in 1265. II. The Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Turks in 1355 (p.89)

Map 60. Italy about 1494. Insets: The Milanese under the Visconti, 1339-1402. The Republic of Florence, 1300-1494 (p.90-91)

Map 61. The Swiss Confederation, 1291-1513 (p.90-91b)

Map 62. The Mongol Dominions, 1300-1405 (p.92)

Map 63. The Ottoman Empire, 1451-1481. Constantinople (p.93)

Map 64. Ecclesiastical Map of Western Europe in the Middle Ages. Inset: Vicinity of Naples (p.94-95)

Map 65. Plan of Rome in the Middle Ages. The Roman Suburbicarian (Cardinal) Bishoprics about the 12th Century (p.96)

Map 66. Ecclesiastical Map of the British Isles in the Middle Ages (p.97)

Map 67. Medieval Commerce (Europe). Insets: England. Hanseatic League in Northern Germany (p.98-99)

Map 68. Rural Deaneries. Part of the bishopric of Winchester showing rural deaneries and religious houses during the Middle Ages. Mediaeval Universities (p.100)

Map 69. Ground plan of a Monastery (St. Gall, Switzerland) (p.101)

Map 70. Mediaeval Commerce (Asia). Inset: India (p.102-103)

Map 71. Plan of a Mediaeval Manor (p.104)

Map 72. The West Indies and Central America, 1492-1525. Inset: Watling's Island (p.105)

Map 73. The Conquest of Mexico, 1519-1521 (p.106)

Map 74. The Age of Discovery 1340-1600 (p.107-110)

Map 75. The Conquest of Peru, 1531-1533 (p.111)

Map 76. The Portuguese Colonial Dominions in India and the Malay Archipelago, 1498-1650 (p.112)

Map 77. The Imperial Circles about 1512 (p.113)

Map 78. Central Europe about 1547. Insets: Principality of Orange. Wettin Lands, 1485-1554 (p.114-115)

Map 79. The Religious Situation in Europe about 1560. The Religious Situation in Central Europe about 1560. The Religious Situation in Europe about 1560 (p.116)

Map 80. The Netherlands, 1559-1600 (p.117)

Map 81. Europe about 1560 (p.118-119)

Map 82. The Religious Situation in Central Europe about 1618. Sweden about 1658 (p.120)

Map 83. Principal Seats of War in Europe, I. 1618-1660 (p.121)

Map 84. Treaty Adjustments, 1648-1660. 1. Treaty of Westphalia, 1648. 2. Treaty of the Pyrenees, 1659; Peace of Roeskilde-Oliva, 1658, 1660 (p.121b)

Map 85. Central Europe about 1648 (p.122-123)

Map 86. The Ottoman Empire, 1481-1683 (p.124)

Map 87. Principal Seats of War in Europe, II. 1672-1699 (p.125b)

Map 88. Treaty Adjustments, 1668-1699. Treaties of Aix-la-Chapelle, Nimwegen, St. Germain, Ryswick, Carlowitz (p.125)

Map 89. Extension of the French Frontiers, 1601-1766. The British Isles, 1603-1688 (p.126-127)

Map 90. The Spread of Colonization, 1600-1700. Insets: Partition of Guiana and the West Indies. India. The Establishment of Dutch Power in the Malay Archipelago, 1602-1641. Guinea Coast (p.128)

Map 91. Principal Seats of War in Europe, III. 1700-1721 (p.129)

Map 92. Europe about 1740. Inset: The Growth of Savoy, 1418-1748 (p.130-131)

Map 93. Principal Seats of War, IV. 1740-1763. Insets: Spain. West Africa. West Indies. Canada. India (p.132)

Map 94. Treaty Adjustments, 1713-1763. Treaties of Utrecht, Rastatt, Baden, Stockholm, Frederlksborg, Nystad, Passarowitz, Vienna, Belgrade, Breslau, Dresden, Aix-la-Chapelle, Paris, Hubertusburg. Insets: Acadia and Newfoundland. Eastern North America (p.133)

Map 95. Central Europe about 1786 (p.134-135)

Map 96. The Struggle for Colonial Dominion, 1700-1763. Insets: The West Indies, 1700-1763. Cook's Voyages in the Southern Pacific (p.136)

Map 97. India, 1700-1792 (p.137)

Map 98. The Growth of Russia in Europe, 1300-1796 (p.138-139)

Map 99. Typical German States before and since the French Revolution. I. Baden. Insets: County of Sponheim. Lordship of Gravenstein. Baden since 1801. II. Wurtemberg. Insets: County of Horburg and Lordship of Reichenweier. Principality-County of Mbntbeliard. Wurtemberg since 1495 (p.142-143)

Map 100. France in 1789. The “Gouvernements”. The Generalities or Intendancies. The Salt tax and the Customs. Laws and Courts (p.146-147)

Map 101. Ecclesiastical Map of France, 1789 and 1802. France in 1791 (p.148)

Map 102. Plans of Versailles and Paris in 1789 (p.149)

Map 103. Napoleon's Campaign in Egypt, 1798. Northern Italy, 1796 (for the campaigns of 1796-1805). Germany and Italy in 1803. Germany and Italy in 1806 (p.150-151)

Map 104. Treaty Adjustments, 1801-1812. Insets: India. Cape Colony (p.152)

Map 105. Principal Seats of War, V. 1788-1815. Insets: India. Egypt (p.153)

Map 106. Napoleon's Campaign in Russia, 1812 (p.153b)

Map 107. Central Europe in 1812. Inset: Europe in 1812 (p.154-155)

Map 108. The Waterloo Campaign. Plan of the Waterloo Campaign, June 16-18, 1815. Plan of the Battle of Waterloo (p.156)

Map 109. Treaty Adjustments, 1814, 1815. Inset: Fortresses along the French Frontier (p.157)

Map 110. Central Europe, 1815-1866 (p.158-159)

Map 111. The Unification of Germany, 1815-1871. I. Rise of the German "Zollverein" (Customs-Union) up to 1834. II. The German "Zollverein" (Customs-Union) since 1834 (p.160)

Map 112. The Unification of Germany, 1815-1871. III. The North German Federation and the German Empire 1866-1871. The Unification of Italy, 1815-1870 (p.161)

Map 113. Industrial England since 1750 (p.162)

Map 114. England and Wales in 1832 (p.163)

Map 115. Dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire since 1683. Insets: Southwestern Crimea, 1854. Plan of Sevastopol, 1854-1855 (p.164)

Map 116. Distribution of Races in the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor (p.165)

Map 117. Europe at the Present Time (p.166-167)

Map 118. Distribution of Races in Austria-Hungary (p.168)

Map 119. The Growth of European and Japanese Dominions in Asia since 1801. Inset: Vicinity of Peking (p.170-171)

Map 120. Australia and New Zealand since 1788 (p.172)

Map 121. The Partition of Africa. Insets: The Suez Canal and Lower Egypt. The Boer Republics till 1902 (p.174-175)

Map 122. Distribution of the Principal European Languages (p.176)

Map 123. Distribution of Europeans, Chinese, Japanese and Negroes (p.177)

Map 124. Colonies, Dependencies and Trade Routes (p.179-182)

Map 125. Localities in Western Europe connected with American History (p.184)

Map 126. Localities in England connected with American History (p.185)

Map 127. Physical Map of North America (p.186-187)

Map 128. The Indians in the United States (p.188)

Map 129. Reference Map of the New England Colonies, 1607-1760. Insets: Rhode Island. Vicinity of Boston. Vicinity of New York (p.189)

Map 130. European Exploration and Settlement in the United States, 1513-1776. Inset: Principal English Grants, 1606-1665 (p.190-191)

Map 131. Reference Map of the Middle Colonies, 1607-1760. Inset: Settlements on the Delaware River (p.192)

Map 132. Reference Map of the Southern Colonies, 1607-1760. Insets: Settlements on the James River. The Georgian Coast (p.193)

Map 133. The British Colonies in North America, 1763-1775. Inset: Middle Colonies (p.194)

Map 134. Campaigns of the American Revolution, 1775-1781. Inset: The West and South, 1778-1781 (p.195)

Map 135. The United States, 1783-1803. Insets: The State of Franklin, 1784-1788. Early Distribution of the Public Lands (Ohio) (p.196)

Map 136. Territorial Expansion of the United States since 1803. Insets: Alaska. Hawaii. Guam. Samoa Islands. Wake Island. Midway Island. Porto Rico. The Philippine Islands (p.198-199)

Map 137. Campaigns of the War of 1812. Campaigns of the War of 1812. The Southwest. Vicinity of  Washington in 1814 (p.200)

Map 138. Campaigns of the Mexican War, 1846-1847. Inset: Route from Vera Cruz, to Mexico (p.201)

Map 139. The Organization of Territories in the United States since 1803. I. 1803-1810. II. 1810-1835. III. 1835-1855. IV. Since 1855 (p.202-203)

Map 140. Slavery and the Staple Agricultural Products in the Southern States, 1790-1860 (p.204)

Map 141. Slavery and Emancipation in the United States, 1777-1865. Inset: The Region South of the Great Lakes (p.206-207)

Map 142. Seat of the Civil War, 1861-1865. Inset: Vicinity of Gettysburg (p.208)

Map 143. Westward Development of the United States (p.210-211)

Map 144. Canada and Newfoundland. Inset: The Arbitration Boundary between Canada and Alaska (p.212)

Map 145. Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. Inset: Central Mexico (p.213)

Map 146. South America. Inset: South America about 1790 (p.214-215)

Map 147. The Panama Canal. The Canal Zone. Profile of the Canal (p.216)

to the top of page


The Cambridge Modern History Atlas

Ed. A.W. Ward, G.W. Prothero, S. Leathes. Cambridge, 1912


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Introduction: part 1, part 2

Index to maps

Map 1. Europe, 1490 A.D.

Map 2. The Age of Discovery

Map 3. The Ottoman Advance in Europe and Asia Minor

Map 4. Italy, c. 1490. With inset Valley of the Po

Map 5. The Empire, showing the Division into Circles

Map 6. The Burgundian Lands

Map 7. The Iberian Peninsula in the time of Ferdinand and Isabel

Map 8. France under Louis XI

Map 9. Universities of Europe

Map 10. Dominions of the House of Habsburg in Europe at the Abdication of Charles V

Map 11. Eastern Frontier of France. Wars of France and the Empire, 1521-59

Map 12. Germany at the Accession of Charles V

Map 13. Southern Germany and England. The Peasant Movements of the Sixteenth and early Seventeenth Centuries

Map 14. Germany. The Schmalkaldic War

Map 15. The Swiss Confederation

Map 16. England and Wales under the Tudors

Map 17. Scandinavia in the time of Gustavus Vasa

Map 18. Western and Central Europe. The Progress of the Reformation to 1560

Map 19. France. The Religious Wars. With inset The Neighbourhood of Paris

Map 20. Poland and Lithuania. The Union of Lublin, 1569

Map 21. Hungary at the end of the Sixteenth Century

Map 22. The Netherlands. The Wars of Independence

Map 23. Scotland in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Map 24. North-eastern Atlantic. The Elizabethan Naval War

Map 25. Savoy in 1601

Map 26. Italy at the end of the Sixteenth Century

Map 27. Ireland at the beginning of the Sixteenth Century

Map 28. Germany. Religious Divisions, c. 1610

Map 29. Germany. The Thirty Years' War, 1619-29. Campaigns in Bohemia, the Palatinate, Lower Saxony, and Denmark

Map 30. The Grisons (Graubunden) and the Valtelline

Map 31. Germany. The Edict of Restitution, 1629

Map 32. Eastern Baltic and Northern Poland. Wars of Sweden with Poland and Russia, 1560-1661

Map 33. Germany. The Thirty Years' War, 1630-48. The Swedish Campaigns

Map 34. England and Wales at the outbreak of the Civil War

Map 35. England and Wales after the Campaigns of 1644

Map 36. England and Wales. The Civil War

Map 37. Ireland, 1558-1652

Map 38. Ireland. According to the Act of Settlement, September 26, 1653, and subsequent Orders

Map 39. The Thirty Years' War. The French War, 1635-48, and the Dutch War with Spain, 1620-48

Map 40. Germany. The Peace of Westphalia

Map 41. Europe in 1648

Map 42. North Sea and English Channel. The Anglo-Dutch Wars of the Seventeenth Century

Map 43. The Eastern World. Portuguese, Dutch, and English Possessions, c. 1650

Map 44. Eastern Spain and Western Italy. The Franco-Spanish War, 1635-59

Map 45. The Netherlands and Western Germany. The Wars of 1648-1715

Map 46. Eastern France. Territorial Acquisitions during the reign of Louis XIV

Map 47. Ireland, 1660-1800

Map 48. South-eastern Europe. Wars of Turkey with the Empire, Venice, and Poland, 1648-1739

Map 49. Northern Italy. Wars of the Eighteenth Century, 1701-63

Map 50. West European Waters. Anglo-French Naval Wars, 1689-1763

Map 51. Europe in 1721, after the Treaties of Utrecht and Nystad

Map 52. Russia in 1725

Map 53. The Baltic Lands, 1661

Map 54. Scandinavia, Russia, and Poland. The Northern War, 1700-21. With inset Schleswig-Holstein

Map 55. Brandenburg-Prussia. Expansion, 1525-1648

Map 56. Scotland and Northern England. Campaigns of the Pretenders

Map 57. Central Europe. Wars of Frederick the Great

Map 58. Poland. The Partitions

Map 59. Prussia. Territorial Expansion, 1648-1795

Map 60. The Austrian Empire, exclusive of Italian Possessions and the Austrian Netherlands. Territorial Changes, 1648-1795

Map 61. Russia. Territorial Expansion, 1725-95

Map 62. The Empire and the Netherlands, c. 1792

Map 63. Europe in 1792

Map 64. India. The Beginnings of British Dominion

Map 65. Africa in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. With inset The Gold and Slave Coasts

Map 66. North America. European Colonisation to 1700

Map 67. North America. French Expansion and British Conquests to 1763

Map 68. The Thirteen Colonies at the end of the Colonial Period

Map 69. West Indies in 1763

Map 70. Eastern North America in 1812. The War of Independence and the War of 1812-14. With inset Boston and Neighbourhood

Map 71. Mexico and Texas, 1845-48

Map 72. United States. Territorial Expansions

Map 73. United States. The Secession

Map 74. United States. The Civil War

Map 75. The West Indies and the Philippine Islands. The Spanish-American War

Map 76. United States. Distribution of Population and Railways in 1850

Map 77. United States. Distribution of Population and Principal Railways in 1900

Map 78. United States. Economic Regions

Map 79. France before the Revolution

Map 80. Paris during the Revolution

Map 81. Eastern Frontier of France. Revolutionary Campaigns, 1792-5

Map 82. Britanny and Vendee

Map 83. Northern Italy. Bonaparte's Campaign, 1796-7

Map 84. Central Europe after the Peace of Basel and of Campo Formio

Map 85. Egypt and Syria. The Egyptian Expedition, 1798-1801

Map 86. Italy in 1799. The War with Naples, 1798-9

Map 87. European Waters. Naval Wars, 1792-1815. With inset Part of the French and Flemish Coast

Map 88. South-west Germany and North Italy. The War of the Second Coalition, 1798-1801

Map 89. Central Europe, 1803, after the Peace of Luneville, 1801, and the Secularisations, 1803

Map 90. Switzerland under the Act of Mediation, 1803

Map 91. North Atlantic. Naval War, 1803-5

Map 92. Central Europe. Wars of the Third Coalition, 1805-7. With inset The Neighbourhood of Austerlitz

Map 93. Central Europe. The Austrian War, 1809. With inset The Neighbourhood of Vienna

Map 94. The French Empire and Central Europe, 1811. Political Divisions

Map 95. Spain and Portugal. The Peninsular War and other Wars of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Map 96. Central Russia. The War of 1812

Map 97. Germany and Eastern France. The War of Liberation, 1813-14. With insets The Neighbourhood of Paris and the Neighbourhood of Leipzig

Map 98. North-eastern frontier of France. The Waterloo Campaign, 1815. With inset The Neighbourhood of Waterloo

Map 99. India in 1804. The Mysore and Maratha Wars, 1792-1804

Map 100. The Eastern World. European Colonies and Dependencies, 1815

Map 101. The Western World. European Colonies and Dependencies, 1815

Map 102. Europe after the Congress of Vienna

Map 103. France since 1814

Map 104. Italy since 1815. The Struggle for Unity. With inset Stages in the Union of Italy, 1859-70

Map 105. Ottoman Empire in Europe, 1792-1870

Map 106. America. Spanish and Portuguese Settlements. With inset Latin America after the Wars of Independence, 1825

Map 107. The Germanic Confederation, 1815

Map 108. Russia in Europe in the Nineteenth Century. With inset The Neighbourhood of Warsaw

Map 109. The Kingdom of the Netherlands to 1839. Holland and Belgium since 1839

Map 110. Ottoman Empire in Asia and Africa since 1792

Map 111. The Austrian Dominions since 1815

Map 112. Switzerland in the Nineteenth Century. The Sonderbund War

Map 113. England and Wales. Parliamentary Representation in 1832 before the Reform Bill

Map 114. England and Wales. Parliamentary Representation in 1832 after the Reform Bill

Map 115. The Black Sea. The Crimean War. With inset South-west Crimea

Map 116. Denmark and the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. The War of 1864

Map 117. Central Europe. The War of 1866. With inset North-east Bohemia

Map 118. Eastern France. The Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71. With inset Neighbourhood of Metz

Map 119. Ottoman Empire in Europe, 1870-8

Map 120. The Balkan Peninsula, 1878-1910

Map 121. England and Wales, 1649-1910

Map 122. India in the Nineteenth Century. British Expansion, 1805-1910

Map 123. Northern India. The Mutiny, 1857-9

Map 124. India. The Western Frontier and Neighbouring Countries. With inset Valley of the Kabul River

Map 125. India. The Eastern Frontier and Neighbouring Countries. French and English Expansion, 1805-1907

Map 126. The Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland

Map 127. British North America, 1840-67, and the Alaska and Maine Boundary Disputes

Map 128. The Australian Colonies in the Nineteenth Century. With inset Australia in 1851. The Early Settlements

Map 129. The Dominion of New Zealand. With inset New Zealand in 1852. The Early Settlements

Map 130. Africa in 1910. With inset Africa in 1870

Map 131. North-western Africa. French Colonisation

Map 132. Egypt under British Protection and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. With inset Mouths of the Nile

Map 133. South Africa since 1815. The Kaffir and Boer Wars

Map 134. The West Indies and Central America in 1910

Map 135. South America in 1910

Map 136. Northern Asia. Russian Expansion in the Nineteenth Century

Map 137. The Japanese Empire. The Russo-Japanese War, 1904-5

Map 138. The Chinese Empire in 1910. With inset The Neighbourhood of Peking

Map 139. The Pacific Ocean in 1910

Map 140. The World. Colonial Possessions and Commercial Highways in 1910

Map 141. Europe in 1910

to the top of page


Atlas for the Great War

Thomas E. Griess, series editor. - Wayne, NJ : Avery Publishing Group, 1986. - 52 p.


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Key to Military Symbols

Chronology. Overview map of European Theater of Operations

Map 1. The World in 1914. Situation on the eve of war.

Map 2. Europe, 1914

Map 3. Northwest Europe, 1914. Western front, 1914. Schlieffen Plan of 1905 and French Options in Plan XVII

Map 4. Central Europe, 1914. Eastern front, 1914. War plans and concentration areas

Map 5. Northwest Europe, 1914. Concentration areas of opposing armies, 2 August 1914

Map 6. Belgium, 1914. Advance of German right wing to 20 August 1914; Belgium and France, 1914. Battle of frontiers - North, 2-26 August 1914; Eastern France, 1914. Battle of frontiers - South, 3-26 August 1914

Map 7. Northwest Europe, 1914. Allied retreat, 26-30 August 1914

Map 8. Northwest Europe, 1914. Allied retreat, 30 August - 5 September 1914

Map 9. Northwest Europe, 1914. Battle of the Marne, situation 9 September 1914

Map 10. Northwest Europe, 1914. German withdrawal to the Aisne and stabilization of the front, 1914

Map 11.

Map 12. Verdun and Vicinity, 1916. Battle of Verdun. Situation 21 February 1916 and German gains. Area regained by French, October-December 1916

Map 13. Peronne and Vicinity, 1916. Battle of the Somme. Situation 1 July 1916 and Allied gains through 19 November 1916

Map 14. Northeastern Italy, 1915-1917. Eleven battles of the Isonzo, June 1915 - September 1917. Asiago offensive, May-June 1916

Map 15. Northeastern Italy, 1915-1917. Battle of Caporetto (twelfth battle of the Isonzo). Situation 24 October and operations to 12 November 1917

Map 16.

Map 17. Ypres, Belgium and Vicinity. Battle of Messines. Situation 7 June 1917 and operations to 14 June; Third battle of Ypres (battle of Passchendaele). Situation 31 July 1917 and Allied advance to 7 December; Cambrai, France and Vicinity. Battle of Cambrai. Situation 20 November 1917 and operations to 5 December

Map 18. Northwest Europe, 1914. Western front, 1918. Situation 20 March and gains of five German offensives through 18 July 1918

Map 19. Peronne, France and Vicinity. Somme offensive (first German drive). Situation 21 March 1918 and operations through 4 April 1918; Armentieres, France and Vicinity. Lys offensive (second German drive). Situation 9 April 1918 and operations through 29 April 1918

Map 20. Northeastern Italy, 1915-1917. Battle of Vittorio Veneto. Situation 24 October 1918 and operations to 4 November

Map 21. Soissons and Vicinity. Second battle of the Marne. Franco-American counterattack, 18 July - 6 August 1918; Perrone and Vicinity. Battle of Amiens. Situation 8 August 1918 and reduction of Amiens Salient

Map 22. Sedan-Verdun and Vicinity. The Meuse-Argonne offensive, September-November 1918

Map 23. Northwest Europe, 1914. Western Front, 1918. Final Allied offensive. Situation 25 September and Allied advance to 11 November

Map 24. Eastern Europe, 1914; Central Europe, 1914. Planned army concentration areas

Map 25. East Prussia, 1914. Tannenberg campaign. Situation 23 August and movements since 17 August 1914

Map 26. East Prussia, 1914. Battle of Tannenberg. Situation evening of 26 August and movements since 23 August 1914

Map 27. [Variant 2] East Prussia, 1914. Battle of Tannenberg. Situation 30 August and operations since 27 August 1914

Map 28. Northeastern Europe, 1914. Operations on Eastern front to 26 September 1914

Map 29. Northeastern Europe, 1914. Campaign in Southwest Poland. Situation 1 November and operations since 28 September 1914. German plan of offensive

Map 30. Northeastern Europe, 1914. Winter battle of Masuria. Situation 7 February and operations to 18 February 1915

Map 31. Northeastern Europe, 1914. Gorlice-Tarnow breakthrough and Russian withdrawal. Operations 1 May - 30 September 1915

Map 32. The Balkans, 1914. First invasion of Serbia. Operations August 1914; Second and third invasions of Serbia. Operations September-December 1914

Map 33. The Balkans, 1914. Allied operations in Salonika and final invasion of Serbia. Situation 7 October 1915 and subsequent operations. Salonika position

Map 34. Northeastern Europe, 1914. Eastern front, March 1916. Prior to Brusilov offensive

Map 35. Southwestern Russia and Galicia. Brusilov offensive. Concept of operations, about 1 May 1916; Operations 4 June - 20 September

Map 36. Rumania, 1916. Rumanian campaign. Limit of Rumanian advance into Transylvania 27 August - 18 September 1916

Map 37. Rumania, 1916. Rumanian campaign. Falkenhayn’s counteroffensive to 25 October 1916

Map 38. Rumania, 1916. Rumanian campaign. Final operations, 26 November 1916 - 7 January 1917

Map 39. The Balkans, 1914. The Salonikan front. Allied positions after the defeat of Serbia, December 1915 and operations on the Salonikan front during 1916

Map 40. Baltic Russia, 1914. Hutier’s offensive at Riga, 1-5 September 1917; German amphibious operations. Baltic islands, 10-20 October 1917 (naval actions not shown)

Map 41. Eastern Europe, 1914. Operations during 1918; Central Europe, 1914. Operations during 1917

Map 42. Eurasia, 1914. Ottoman empire and Turkish rail system

Map 43. Lower Mesopotamia, 1914. Anglo-Indian invasion and operations in 1914

Map 44. The Dardanelles. Defenses of the straits, February-March 1915; Gallipoli peninsula, 1915. Initial landings, April 1915. Turkish dispositions. Allied plan for the landings

Map 45. North sea. Battle of Jutland. Movements on 30-31 May 1916; Battle cruiser action, 1530-1730, 31 May; Main engagement, 1730-2100, 31 May

Map 46. Lower Mesopotamia, 1914. Situation 31 July 1915 and operations since January

Map 47. Lower Mesopotamia, 1914. First advance on Baghdad. Situation 30 November 1915 and operations since July 1915; Kut and Vicinity, 1915. First battle of Kut. Critical situation late afternoon 28 September 1915; Second battle of Kut. Situation 22 February 1917 and British plan for the battle

Map 48. Egypt and Palestine, 1914. Campaign in Egypt & Palestine. Canal defenses and first battle of Gaza, 26 March 1917

Map 49. Palestine, 1917. Operations fall of 1917. Third battle of Gaza. Capture of Jerusalem

Map 50. Palestine, 1917. Battle of Megiddo. Dispositions and order of battle, 19 September 1918; Situation 19-25 September 1918 and pursuit to Damascus

Map 51. Europe. The national boundary realignments resulting from the First World War

Map 52. The World in 1919. Political realignment following the First World War

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A Military Atlas of the First World War

Arthur Banks, UK: Pen and Sword, 2001


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Preface, Contents

General Index (p.307)

Armed Forces Index (p.331)


The Pre-War Situation

Introduction (p.1)

Main reasons why the five major powers went to war in 1914 (p.2)

The two European rival armed camps pre-1914 (p.3)

A basic appraisal of the main contestants (p.4)

The European cauldron prior to hostilities (p.5)

World empires of Britain, France and Germany 1914 (p.6)

Crises in North Africa and the Balkans 1905-1912 (p.7)

The First Balkan War 1912-1913 (p.8)

The Second Balkan War 1913 (p.9)

The 'spark' - the assassination of Franz Ferdinand 28 June 1914 (p.10)

Europe's plunge to disaster in the summer of 1914 (p.11)

to the top of page


War on the Western Front in 1914

Introduction (p.13)

The Western Front in August 1914 (p.16)

The Western Front in outline 1914-1918 (p.17)

The East European War Fronts in August 1914 (p.18)

The Eastern Front in outline 1914-1918 (p.19)

Germany's pre-war nightmare (p.20)

Germany's mobility 1914 (p.21)

German military plans 1905-1914 (p.22)

Actual German advance 17 August - 5 September 1914 (p.23)

War plans of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia and Serbia 1914 (p.24)

French pre-war military plans 1914 (p.25)

Western Front fortifications August 1914 (p.26)

Fortifications of Liege and Namur (p.28)

Defenses of Antwerp (p.29)

Army concentrations on the Western Front August 1914 (p.30)

Concentrations of opposing armies in Eastern Europe and the Balkans 1914 (p.32)

Three important guns in 1914 (p.33)

Rival infantry divisional organizations in 1914 (p.34)

Rival cavalry divisional organizations in 1914 (p.36)

The German invasion of Belgium August 1914 (p.38)

The German advance on Liege 5-6 August 1914 (p.40)

The reduction of the Liege forts 8-16 August 1914 (p.41)

The bombardment of Namur 21-25 August 1914 (p.42)

Operations at Charleroi 21-23 August 1914 (p.43)

The frontier battles in Lorraine 10-28 August 1914 (p.44)

The situation in Alsace 20 August 1914 (p.45)

The battle of Mons 23 August 1914 (p.46)

The British retreat from Mons 23 August - 5 September 1914 (p.47)

The allied retirement 23 August-6 September 1914 (p.48)

The battle of Le Gateau 26 August 1914 (p.50)

The battle of Guise-St Quentin 29 August 1914 (p.51)

The fate of the French and Belgian fortresses August-October 1914 (p.52)

Joffre's counter-offensive plans August-September 1914 (p.53)

The first battle of the Marne 5-10 September 1914 (p.54)

Operations along the Aisne line September 1914 (p.58)

Belgian sorties from Antwerp August-September 1914 (p.60)

Bombardment of the Antwerp forts 28 September-9 October 1914 (p.61)

The German victory at Antwerp 26-September-9 October 1914 (p.62)

The Allied withdrawal to the Yser-Lys position 9-15 October 1914 (p.64)

Defence of the Channel Ports Autumn 1914 (p.66)

Battle of the Yser 16-30 October 1914 (p.67)

The battle of La Bassee 16 October - 2 November 1914 (p.72)

The British advance at Armentieres-Ypres 16-18 October 1914 (p.75)

The battle of Armentieres 19 October-2 November 1914 (p.76)

The first battle of Ypres (p.78)

The military situation in Flanders 10 November 1914 (p.83)

Small detonators: big explosions (p.84)

to the top of page


War on the Eastern Front in 1914

Introduction (p.85)

The pre-battle situation in the North (p.87)

The Russian "steamroller" in action at Gumbinnen 20 August 1914 (p.88)

The battle of Tannenberg 26-30 August 1914 (p.90)

Battle of the Masurian Lakes September 1914 (p.98)

Serbia in travail and triumph 1914 (p.99)

The pre-battle situation on the Galician Front (p.100)

The conflicting plans: the northern clash (p.101)

Lemberg-Przemsyl operations (p.102)

The discordant views of Conrad and Moltke (p.103)

The Russian advance 17 October-10 November 1914 (p.104)

The battle of Lodz 18-25 September 1914 (p.105)

The European Military Situation 30 November 1914 (p.106)

to the top of page


The Gallipoli Campaign

Introduction (p.109)

Turkish defences at the Dardanelles 1915 (p.110)

The first naval bombardment of the Dardanelles 19 February 1915 (p.112)

Second naval bombardment of the Dardanelles 25 February 1915 (p.114)

Operations inside the Dardanelles Channel 26 February-16 March (p.115)

The Allied failure to force the Dardanelles Passage 18 March 1915 (p.116)

Rival dispositions in the Middle East April 1915 (p.118)

Turkish dispositions at the Dardanelles 24 April 1915 (p.119)

The Allied plan for assaulting the Gallipoli peninsula April 1915 (p.120)

The Allied landings on the Gallipoli peninsula 25 April 1915 (p.121)

The Allied advance on the Helles Front 28 April-4 June 1915 (p.122)

Fresh British landings 1915 (p.123)

Gallipoli: opposing trenches on the Suvla and A.N.Z.A.C. Fronts December 1915 (p.124)

Gallipoli: opposing trenches on the Helles Front January 1916 (p.126)

The evacuation of the Suvla and A.N.Z.A.C. positions (p.128)

The evacuation of the Helles position (p.129)

to the top of page


The War in 1915

Introduction (p.131)

German cartographic propaganda (p.132)

"JorTre's wall" Winter 1914-1915 (p.133)

The static Western Front 1915 (p.134)

The mobile Eastern Front 1915 (p.135)

The battle of Neuve Chapelle 10-12 March 1915 (p.136)

"Second Ypres" April-May 1915 (p.138)

Artois: December 1914-October 1915. Champagne: September 1915 (p.144)

The Battle of Loos 25 September 1915 (p.145)

to the top of page


The War in 1916

Introduction (p.147)

The Verdun "mincing machine" 21 February-16 December 1916 (p.148)

The opening phase 21-25 February 1916. West of the Meuse 6 March-10 April 1916 (p.150)

Fort Douamont and Fort Vaux (p.151)

Battle of the Somme (p.152)

The French recovery at Verdun October-December 1916 (p.159)

The Austro-German-Bulgarian combined assault upon Serbia October 1915 (p.160)

The Brusilov offensive June-October 1916 (p.161)

The Rumanian Campaign 1916 (p.162)

Operations in Caucasia 1914-1916 (p.163)

to the top of page


The War in 1917

Introduction (p.165)

Nivelle's plan for victory in 1917 (p.166)

The German withdrawal February-April 1917; "Second Aisne" (p.167)

The battle of Moronvilliers 17 April-20 May 1917 (p.168)

The battle of Arras 1917 (p.169)

The Canadian success at Vimy Ridge 9-12 April 1917 (p.170)

Siege operations at Messines June 1917 (p.171)

British plans for "Wipers Three" 1917 (p.172)

"Third Ypres" (Passchendaele) July-November 1917 (p.173)

The British tank-spearheaded offensive at Cambrai 1917 (p.174)

Trench warfare: a typical section of front south-east of Arras February 1917 (p.175)

Russia's final effort in 1917 (p.176)

Turbulent Russia 1917-1918 (p.177)

The treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918 (p.178)

to the top of page


The War in 1918

Introduction (p.179)

The German offensives 21 March-17 July 1918 (p.180)

The Allied offensives 18 July-11 November 1918 (p.181)

The German advance and the British retreat March-April 1918 (p.182)

The bombardment of Paris by German long-range artillery 23 March-9 August 1918 (p.184)

Germany's last bid for the Channel ports 9-30 April 1918 (p.186)

Paris in peril: Foch's counterstroke (p.187)

The American expeditionary force in Europe 1918 (p.188)

American infantry divisional organisation 1918 (p.190)

The 'black day of the German army' 8 August 1918 (p.191)

The creation of the German salient at St Mihiel September 1914 (p.192)

The eradication of the German salient at St Mihiel 12-13 September 1918 (p.193)

Prelude to victory: the Western Front on 25 September 1918 (p.194)

The Meuse-Argonne battle: American First Army offensive 26-30 September 1918 (p.195)

The liberation of the Belgian coast 28 September-25 October 1918 (p.196)

Finale on the Western Front 8 August-11 November 1918 (p.197)

to the top of page


The Peripheral Campaigns

Introduction (p.199)

The Italian Front 1915-1918 (p.200)

The Salonika Front 1915-1918 (p.204)

Balkan finale 11 November 1918 (p.205)

The campaign in Mesopotamia 1914-1918 (p.206)

The Middle East: a panoramic view (p.211)

Egypt, Palestine and the Arab revolt (p.212)

United States' involvement in Mexico and the Caribbean 1914-1919 (p.214)

South America 1914-1918 (p.215)

The war in Africa 1914-1918 (p.216)

to the top of page



Introduction (p.219)

Twelve important artillery weapons 1914-1918 (p.220)

Six important machine guns 1914-1918 (p.224)

Four important tanks 1916-1918 (p.226)

Nine important rifles 1914-1918 (p.228)

Twenty trench weapons and munitions (p.230)

Eight important pistols and revolvers 1914-1918 (p.232)

Five important anti-aircraft guns (p.233)

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The War at Sea

Introduction (p.235)

The pursuit and escape of SMS Goeben and Breslau August 1914 (p.237)

The voyage of von Spec's Pacific Squadron August-November 1914 (p.238)

The final cruise of SMS Emden August-November 1914 (p.239)

The battle of Coronel 1 November 1914 (p.240)

The battle of the Falkland Islands 8 December 1914 (p.241)

The battle of Heligoland Bight 28 August 1914 (p.242)

Submarine warfare in 1914 (p.246)

The battle of Dogger Bank 24 January 1915 (p.248)

The successful Allied submarine campaign at the time of the Gallipoli expedition May-December 1915 (p.252)

British battleship losses during the Gallipoli Campaign May 1915 (p.254)

North Sea rival strategies (p.255)

The battle of Jutland (p.256)

German and Austrian submarine losses 1914-1918 (p.262)

A specially constructed British "Q"-ship (p.265)

The U-boat war against Allied shipping: introduction of convoys 1917 (p.266)

The effectiveness of the British convoy system 1917-1918 (p.267)

Hazards confronting German and Flanders-based U-boats (p.268)

British submarines in the Baltic (p.269)

The Mediterranean Sea 1914-1918 (p.270)

The Adriatic Sea 1914-1918 (p.271)

The Black Sea 1914-1918 (p.272)

The British raid on Zeebrugge 22 April 1918 (p.274)

German plans for a final naval confrontation October 1918 (p.275)

Naval minefields 1914-1918 (p.276)

Naval mining (p.278)

Seven important naval mines 1914-1918 (p.279)

Submarine development during the war (p.280)

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The War in The Air

Introduction (p.281)

German airships (p.282)

Zeppelin L59 and the "Africa Raid" 21-25 November 1917 (p.285)

German airship raids on Britain 1915-1918 (p.286)

German bomber raid on England 1917-1918 (p.292)

Britain under bombardment 1914-1917 (p.296)

Basic distribution of bombs dropped on Paris by German aircraft 1914-1918 (p.297)

The British strategic bombing offensive of 1918 (p.298)

Developments in aerial surveying 1914-1918 (p.299)

The fighter aces (p.300)

Twelve important aircraft 1914-1918 (p.302)

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